Have you ever had an anxiety attack? If so, you know that feeling when your heart starts beating faster when your mind thinks you are in danger. Suddenly, your palms become sweaty, and you have this overwhelming feeling that something isn’t right.

That’s anxiety – your body’s natural response to stress.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can fight anxiety disorder besides taking anxiety treatment alone. But if you don’t yet know what your anxiety triggers are, here are a few ideas to watch out for: your first day starting a new job, giving a presentation in front of a large audience, or meeting your partner’s family or the first time.

However, it is worth noting that different people have different anxiety triggers. And identifying them is a vital step towards understanding the best way to cope with them.

Defining Panic Attacks and Anxiety Treatment

An anxiety attack is a sudden, intense surge of fear, anxiety, or panic. Panic attacks can be overwhelming and have physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that worsen when left untreated.

Many people with anxiety attacks can have difficulty breathing, tremble, sweat profusely, and even feel their hearts pounding faster than normal. In some instances, you may experience chest pains or a feeling of detachment from yourself or from reality during an anxiety attack. You may even think you are having a heart attack.

Anxiety attacks can be scary and hit you quickly, depending on your situation. Fortunately, there are many anxiety treatment options you can use to cope with your attacks whenever you feel one coming.

Symptoms of Panic Attacks and Anxiety Treatments

As aforementioned, symptoms of anxiety attacks vary depending on your type of anxiety disorder.

Some of the common anxiety disorder symptoms include:

Physical Symptoms

Mental Symptoms

  • Nightmares
  • Uncontrollable, obsessive thoughts
  • Repeated thoughts and flashbacks of traumatic experiences
  • Feeling panic, uneasiness, and fear

Behavioral Symptoms

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Ritualistic behaviors like washing hands repeatedly
  • Inability to stay still and calm

5 Anxiety Treatment Methods to Cope with Panic Attacks

Some of the common anxiety treatment options you can use to keep your panic attacks at bay:

1.     Learn to Control Your Breathing

It is not uncommon to hyperventilate during an anxiety attack. That feeling when you suddenly feel like you are suffocating and have the urge to take deeper breaths than normal. This can result in you feeling short of breath, making you feel dizzy, disoriented, and have chest pains.

One of the best anxiety treatment options to consider is to learn how to slow down your breathing rhythm when you feel any anxiety levels rising. You can try breathing in between three seconds. Hold your breath for two seconds at a time before breathing out after the third second.

Also, ensure your breaths are deep and heavy to avoid adding to your list of problems.

2.     Shift Your Focus

During a panic attack, your mind can imagine many things, often negative thoughts like disasters or, worse, death. Such thoughts can make you panic even more.

One great treat anxiety treatment strategy to cope with your condition is to try to concentrate on something else rather than focusing on your negative thoughts. You can think of some happy thoughts, such as smelling your favorite flower or gazing at the sunset, or even a picture of someone or something that comforts and interests you.

You can also try creative visualizations. Think of a situation or place that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. Once you have that image in your mind, focus on it, and use it to distract you from your panic symptoms.

3.     Stay Where You Are

One of the best coping mechanisms for anxiety attacks is staying where you are until you your panicking episode has subsided.

Often, anxiety attacks can last for up to an hour or even longer. When this happens, it is always best not to operate any machinery. Therefore, when driving a car, pull over and park it somewhere safe. Pause for a moment and assess your thoughts.

After you have gathered yourself, you can observe your thoughts and remind yourself that you are reacting to those thoughts. Your feelings are normal. They are just a sign of your body’s alarm system going into hyperdrive when it doesn’t need to. Try your best to see the situation through. It will pass.

4.     Use Positive Coping Statements

One of the best anxiety treatment options to consider is using helpful coping statements whenever you’re feeling panicky and anxious. You can always remind yourself that your panic isn’t dangerous; it isn’t harmful.

Examples of positive coping statements you can use:

  • I can continue without what I’m doing without needing an escape
  • My panic and anxiety will pass. It doesn’t last forever
  • Panic is simply a high level of anxiety
  • I have never chocked, fainted, or had a heart attack
  • It isn’t dangerous

By reminding yourself of these coping statements, you can prevent further anxiety cycles from happening. Remember, this is normal. It will pass naturally when given time.

5.     Watch a Funny Video

This is perhaps the easiest form of anxiety treatment on this list. Queue up your favorite list of comedian TV shows and movies and click the play button. Laughing is one of the best prescriptions for a panicky mind.

Moreover, several studies show that laughter is beneficial to your mental health and well-being, perhaps even more beneficial than exercise.

Know When to Seek Help

An important reminder is knowing when your panic disorder starts impeding your ability to enjoy life, work, hang out with friends and family, and interact at school. The moment your anxiety starts causing you more problems and interfering with other people’s lives, you know it’s time to get professional help.

Coping with Panic Attacks: When to Seek Anxiety Treatment

The moment you start feeling like you are constantly anxious and stressed, especially about when your anxiety attack may be, you probably have anxiety disorder.

Remember, there is no quick fix to anxiety. But you can follow these anxiety treatment tricks to keep your condition under control. You can also always seek medical help when your attacks start happening more regularly.


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