
Nate Johnston via unsplash photo of boy in dentist chair thumb up and smiling with 'a tooth fairy primer' in text over top of image

A Tooth Fairy Primer

If your children are somewhere between the fist-sucking drooling days of cutting their first teeth and the excitement of that first loose tooth, this post is for you.  The Tooth Fairy made her first appearance at...

Official Guide to Teacher Gifts

This is an "Official Guide to Teacher Gifts" because we polled ACTUAL TEACHERS. We asked teachers for their favorite and least favorite gifts.  Here are the thoughtful responses from our teacher friends to help you select just...

Tips for Organizing an Easter Egg Hunt in Your Backyard

Here are some tips to help simplify your backyard Easter Egg Hunt! Have the kids decorate their own baskets for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Don't feel like this has to be a Pinterest worthy craft unless that's...

Do Your Kids Still Believe in Santa?

  Two years ago we eked through our last year believing in Santa. Our girls were in 5th grade and had turned 11 that November, and while they doubted Santa’s existence, they weren’t sure. I overheard them talking to...

35 things for your Tween’s Easter Basket

I love assembling Easter baskets. It's been a family tradition since the girls were babies. Holiday traditions naturally evolve as the years pass. My girls are teens now, and this is the third Easter that we’ve...

Daddy’s Valentines – The Father Daughter Dance

  Daddy's girls.  They had my husband wrapped around their little fingers the first time he saw them on the ultrasound.  He is their first love and their first Valentine. Our school holds the Father Daughter...

Move Over Instant Pot – Make Room for Air Fryer

I admit it; I can be fickle when it comes to the latest kitchen gadget. For a while I was all about the Spiralizer (do you have any idea how many veggies can be spiralized?)...

Cursive – Becoming a Lost Art?

​I took my daughter to the bank last Saturday to open a checking account and get a debit card. Opening an account at the bank is not a speedy process and requires a lot...

Motherless on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day can evoke a tangle of emotions. It is a bittersweet day for me. While I am enormously grateful to be the middle-aged mother of twin teen girls, I miss my own mother. My...
Rebel Visit to the OBGYN

Rebel Visit to the OBGYN

Every Sunday night I carefully review my calendar for the upcoming week to make sure we have all appointments and activities covered. I cringed a little when my eyes fell on Wednesday’s first entry...

Can We Talk Laundry?

Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Apparently Mrs. Franklin did all their laundry, otherwise he surely would have said, “death, taxes, and...

Stumbling Toward the Last Day of School

Today I was taunted by a box of tissues. Not even Kleenex, mind you,  but generic Target up & up™ brand tissues. The tissues sit in a bin in our utility room next to a disgustingly dirty...

The Years Are Short, Really Short!

We celebrated my husband’s birthday last Saturday night. Sitting across from my girls at the restaurant, I was struck with how grown up they are. They are thirteen. In five years, they will graduate from high...

Childhood is Fleeting

I was intrigued by the title.  “Quit Doing These 8 Things for Your Teen This Year if You Want to Raise an Adult.” So I clicked and read the list of ways to make your teen...

Why We Judge

Moms Judging Moms. The Mommy Wars. Mom Shaming. It’s the subject of countless books and blogs. I know that I’ve both judged and been judged. Despite pleas for moms to be supportive of each other,...