According to the APS (American Psychological Association), most American workers experience workplace anxiety at some point. It is pretty normal to feel anxious at work. Being in a constant state of anxiety interferes with your ability to function at work.

Studies show that anxious people tend to make excuses to avoid public speaking, staff lunches, office parties, and other office events.  Anxiety also makes you lose focus at work since you concentrate more on your anxious thoughts.

Furthermore, anxiety makes you irritable, and hence you are less capable of interacting with your workmates. Studies further show that anxiety makes people disengaged from their workplaces. That’s why anxious professionals have difficulty concentrating on their day-to-day work. The good news is that in any anxiety treatment centers Florida you can get help on how to manage your anxiety.


Tips on Managing Workplace Anxiety

Although anxiety can interfere with your ability to function at work, you can successfully deal with anxiety at your workplace. Check these tips below on how to handle workplace anxiety.

Avoid anxiety triggers 

Some aspects of your work can lead to workplace anxiety in the long run. For example, having tight deadlines, dealing with office politics, and meeting your employer’s expectations are potential anxiety triggers among many American workers today.

The first step in dealing with your workplace anxiety is identifying your anxiety triggers. Office gossip can be your anxiety trigger, for instance. In such a situation, avoid listening to gossip from your coworkers if you get bouts of anxiety when you hear what others are gossiping about you.

Though it might be tempting to listen to office gossip, you can manage your anxiety if you desist from listening to gossip if office gossip is what makes you anxious. Let your workmates know you don’t want to gossip about anyone at work. Whatever your anxiety triggers are, avoid them since they will make your situation worse.

Set honest deadlines 

Anxious workers tend to develop anxiety once they miss their deadlines. Avoid agreeing to timeliness and deadlines you are sure that you can’t meet. It is better to decide that you can’t complete your deadlines on time than to fail to meet them.

While most deadlines aren’t negotiable, setting honest deadlines can save you anxiety in the long run.  Furthermore, setting honest deadlines allows you to work at your pace without any pressure. Having honest deadlines means you can get the work done ahead of time, making you feel better about yourself.

Besides setting honest deadlines, try practicing time management. Prioritize your work and establish your to-do list.  Set aside enough time to work on each project or task. The more you manage your time, the more you are likely to complete your job, ultimately making you less anxious.

Use neutral language 

Using calming and neutral language at work, especially in a senior position, can help reduce everyone’s anxiety at the workplace. Using neutral language can be particularly helpful while dealing with disagreements, which are inevitable at workplaces.

 For instance, you can use words such as “how can we handle this issue.” Such a statement makes others feel less anxious and more likely to contribute towards solving any work-related problem. Everyone at work will be more likely to listen to you if you use neutral language.

Communicate effectively 

Communication is vital in every workplace. Good communication skills can help you create better relationships with your workmates. Good communication can also help you relate with others better, with less resentment and anxiety.

Employing good communication at work reduces feelings of helplessness and anxiety at work. Speak diplomatically and calmly if you have something that makes you anxious at work. Your supervisor, for instance, might not notice that you are suffering from anxiety as a result of having too much work to handle. Talk to your supervisor about your issue other than keeping it to yourself.

Avoid negativity

Negativity is the leading cause of anxiety in workplaces. Some negative aspects of negativity, such as toxic workmates, can lead to anxiety. Negative beliefs and thoughts can negatively impact your mental health, emotions, and feelings. Such harmful perceptions can contribute to symptoms of anxiety and mood disorders.

Having negative thoughts at work can increase your fear or worry over time. Try cognitive-behavioral therapy to conquer the negative thoughts that breed anxiety. Embrace positivity to replace the negative thoughts that make you anxious.

Stay in contact

It’s human nature to cut off communication with those who make them uncomfortable. For instance, you may decide to keep away from the break room shortly after arguing with an annoying coworker. Nonetheless, cutting off contact with people who make you anxious at work only offers a temporary solution to your anxiety problems.

Stay in constant contact with those who make you uncomfortable. Learn to approach your problems and communicate more effectively other than avoiding contact. Appreciate that people have different perspectives, especially at workplaces. Staying in touch with people with different opinions makes you less anxious about these people over time.

Seek help

Seek help if your workplace anxiety is getting beyond your control. Several workplaces offer counseling through their EAPs (employee assistance programs). Many anxious people have been successfully using such programs to counter their anxiety.

Talking to a therapist about your anxiety can also help manage your workplace anxiety. Although you might feel uncomfortable talking about your anxiety problems at first, find the courage to speak to someone you know can help you overcome your issues.

You can also use online mental health resources to manage your workplace anxiety if you don’t feel comfortable talking about your problems with a counselor or a therapist. There are tons of online resources that can help manage anxiety and stress.


Countless workers suffer from anxiety in silence. Nonetheless, workplace anxiety can be a leading productivity killer in workplaces. After all, anxious persons can’t perform their best at work. Luckily, you can deal with your anxiety and become a better and more productive professional. Seek help today if your anxious thoughts are stopping you from becoming the outstanding professional you want.


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