Saving money on pet expenses

This past November, we adopted our very first family pet.  We rescued him from a local shelter.  I have never owned a pet before, so this was all new to me. I was well aware that there are costs that go along with pets, so I was sure to do my research beforehand. I consulted with my budget savvy friends that had pets of their own.  And so far, except for the emergency vet stay, which may require it’s own post in the future, we have managed to stay on budget with our pup.  Below are a few tips I thought I would share with all of you!

7 Ways to Save Money On Pet Expenses

Adopt from a shelter or other rescue facility.  If you have not purchased your pet yet, consider saving a pet from a shelter or other rescue facility in your area.  Our pup costed a total of $66 which included the adoption, our county pet license, a microchip, and neuter.  If your pet is already fixed, the cost will be much less.  Cat adoptions cost the same in our county.  This will not only save you quite a bit of money, but more importantly, you may save the life of a pet!

Join pet clubs. Check your local pet store for pet clubs that you can sign up with to receive discounts, coupons, and more.  PETSMART and  Pet Supermarket both offer pet clubs as well as our local grocery store Publix!

Keep your pet up to date on health care. It’s very important that you keep up to date on your pets shots and vet visits as well as flea and tick treatments.  If you skimp on these things, it could mean high vet bills later, or a house full of fleas that will require expensive treatments, not to mention inconvenience. Ask your vet about dental care at home as well!

Consider buying in bulk.  If you have multiple dogs or cats, it will save you money to purchase the larger bags of dog food, cat food, and kitty litter.  This is also true with flea and tick medications.  For example, our flea and tick medication is $19 per month or you can purchase a full year for $190. That’s a savings of $38!

Check thrift stores for supplies. Pet carriers, crates, leashes, and other items can  add up quickly.  There are many items that you can purchase used for your pet.  Check local thrift stores, consignment shops, and the Goodwill for these types of supplies.

Save on Pet Food. I mentioned above joining local store pet clubs.  There are also other ways to save on pet food and treats.  Keep an eye on your weekly circulars for BOGO sales and deals.  Many popular brands place coupons in the Sunday paper.  You may have to purchase the more expensive brands, due to your dogs health, or various other reasons.  I suggest emailing the brand and asking for coupons or discount online codes.  It’s worth a try! The shelter our dog came from only fed the animals Hills Science Diet.  I wrote to the company and now receive coupons each month in the mail.

Swap “pet sitting” duties.  If you plan on traveling without your pet, you will need someone to keep an eye on your animal so that he/she is fed, watered, and taken outside on walks for exercise, etc.  If boarding your pet does not fit into your budget, consider pairing up with friends that also have pets, and taking turns keeping an eye on each others pets during trips!

Do you have other frugal pet tips to share?



  1. Thanks for the amazing money saving tips! Do you have any tips for saving money while hosting a dinner party ? (random, I know, but I’m having a big one next month and it seems like I am going to end up having to spend a bundle!)

  2. Some really sensible ideas that many people don’t think about before buying a pet. I like the bulk buy idea – we do that for our dogs – made easier by us being on a farm, with several dogs and plenty of storage room.

  3. These are awesome tips, our best tip is not having a pet, lol.. No, I’m joking.. I will keep these in mind we get our first pet, whenever that may be.. we got 4 kids, that’s close enough.. Pinning this for later use 🙂

  4. A great tip for saving money is share things with your neighbors. Maybe someone has a crate the size you need they’re not using. Dog bowls, brushes or anything that’s durable that people don’t want the throw away, but their pet has grown out of. I’m all for sharing stuff. Thanks for a great post!


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