Working Mom

The world of a working mother is extremely busy with obligations to both their career and their family. At times it can seem like this is impossible to balance especially for those in high stress careers. Staying healthy might seem like the last thing that a working mother thinks about as she already has quite a bit to handle weekly. Mothers who improve their health could improve their overall quality of life as well as their performances in a professional and parental capacity. Taking a proactive approach to health is all that needs to be done as making healthy decisions need to be based on a desire to be healthy as well as knowledge of healthy habits. Here are 4 health tips for overworked career moms who balance a work and being the best mom possible.

Meal Prep On Weekends

Meal prepping on the weekend can help you save time during your busy week. Many families resort to ordering pizza or stopping on the way home from practice/school at a fast food establishment. Not only will meal prepping save money on the family’s food budget but it will be a healthier menu for the week. Being able to come home and put something in the oven or microwave can help a mother relax instead of begin working immediately when they arrive home. Chart out what you want to eat for the week and grocery shop for this so you can complete your prep successfully. If you are unsure of what is considered a healthy diet visit a nutritionist with the family to put you on a meal program. As a parent the children will learn their eating habits from you so make sure to set a good example.

Ask Management For Work From Home Days Weekly

For mothers who have jobs that can be done at just as high of a quality from home need to ask management if they can work from home a few times a week. For those mothers who are excelling at their professional role this can be a no-brainer for management that values the contributions of a star employee. Being able to work from home can be the stress relief that we need as mothers. Cutting the commute out of your routine a few times a week can do wonders for stress levels and leaves more time to get things done at home. The most important factor of this is making sure your productivity stays the same or increases as this could open up an opportunity to work from home permanently.

Hit The Gym Early/Take Your Supplements Daily

Getting to the gym early and completing a workout can leave time for you to get home before your children even wake up. Going to the gym later in the day takes away from your already limited time with the kids. For those mothers who do not want to go to the gym at this hour there are other options. There are fitness tapes that can be done as well as cardio equipment like a stationary bike that are more than affordable. Taking supplements should also be done as you will want to replenish nutrients lost during the workout and take in nutrients that will help with muscle recovery. Miracle fruit tablets can also help you eat as healthy as possible as they can turn some sour foods sweet. This is a better option than sugar which can impact caloric intake and artificial sweeteners that are full of unnatural ingredients. Foods that are healthy might not always taste the best so adding these tablets can allow you to enjoy eating healthy foods from now on.

Divide Chores Among The Family

Being able to divide chores among the family is essential as both parents working leaves very little time to do certain chores. Teenagers can be a huge help when both parents work whether it is picking up a younger sibling from school or taking care of the family’s laundry. This does not mean to inundate the entire family with chores but rather have a chore rotation so everyone can take care of a certain chore each week. Smaller children are still capable to help out with cleaning the dishes and should be taught how to fold their clothes. There are options of hiring professionals to help with certain chores if you simply are too busy. Being able to spend quality time with the kids should be priority and hiring a maid service can be affordable depending on the size of your home.

Mothers who also have a career to manage need to be at their best as much as possible. Taking care of your health can make this possible as you will be running at your highest levels. Take the time to write out how you feel during your health transformation as you might find that you are napping less and getting more done. We only have one body so it is imperative that we take care of it to the best of our ability for bother ourselves and our families.


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