April is c-section awareness month. The goal of April is to provide awareness and education about surgical births and their importance in the care of pregnant women as well as scenarios that they can be a problem. C-Sections can be a life saving procedure (for either the mom, baby, or both scenario dependent) but can pose health complications when they are performed unnecessarily.

As someone who has had two, c-sections are NO joke.
The recovery is long, hard and painful.
Whoever said it was the easy way out of birth was delusional. 

Many of our moms here at Orlando Mom Collective have had c-sections.


Mom just gave birth to baby via section. The baby is to the left of the picture with eyes closed, mom is smiling at picture and dad is to the right also smiling.

Some of us have had only one, and others multiple. Our birth stories are all as unique as we are and each baby brought us a new story. However, there are some things that we have learned in the OR and beyond that we believe are important to pass along. First time and expecting mamas need to hear this because these are things providers rarely talk about.

We wish we someone had told us these 5 things that would have made our c-section experiences better:

  1. International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) has support groups for mamas post surgery to talk about their experiences. They also have resources about what to expect in a c-section, how your partner is involved, recovery, breastfeeding post c-section, future births and more! If you are preparing for your first c-section, wondering what it is like or trying to understand the scary surgery you just experienced, ICAN has resources for you.
  2. You can have a gentle c-section to be better involved in the process of the surgery if the circumstances are appropriate.
  3. You can have a doula AND a c-section. Coverage for a doula depends on your insurance but they are a great advocate for you and your baby regardless of birthing method.
  4. As the patient, you have the right to question EVERY medical choice made about your delivery. You don’t really want a c-section but your team is talking about one? Speak up and demand to be better included in the discussion! You want to push yourself to 42 weeks of pregnancy instead of 41? Speak up for yourself and demand to be included in the discussion! It is also helpful to be sure that your partner or anyone who will be supporting you in delivery knows what you want and is willing to speak up to ensure your plan is in place.
  5. Know the signs of postpartum depression and anxiety and be sure to discuss all of your symptoms with your physician at your 6 week follow up appointment. If you experience symptoms after that visit, call your office immediately to speak with your provider.
Have you had a c-section?
What would you add to this list of things you wish you knew?


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