No matter who you are, or what role you play in a family, you need peaceful sleep. Kids need to get the appropriate rest to stay healthy and grow. Parents need peaceful sleep so they can wake up and properly take care of the children, along with other responsibilities. However, a healthy dose of sleep isn’t always attainable. Still, you can make it happen by understanding why you may not get the sleep you need and making the proper modifications. The tips and guidance below can get you on the right track. 

Know when to make a change for peaceful sleep

The first step to proper rest is knowing what a healthy sleep schedule looks like. By age four, kids should be on a set sleep schedule where they regularly go to bed and wake up at a certain time. They may wake up for feedings or while fussing around, but they should have a routine. The same goes for parents. It’s recommended to get at least seven hours of sleep every night, and if you’re not, then you need to make changes to your routine. Most important is setting your own sleep schedule and sticking to it, even on weekends, because that sets up your circadian rhythm.

Even if you think you’re doing what’s right, it’s essential to be aware of the signs that you’re not getting your best sleep so you can make the necessary modifications. One of them is waking up with a sore jaw because you’re clenching your teeth all night long. Doing that will disrupt your peaceful sleep, and it could cause long-term damage to your oral health. Another sign is when you and the kids are having mood swings, which is likely due to not getting the sleep necessary to rest your brain from a day of activity.

While having a chaotic sleep schedule can disrupt your rest, there are also external factors that can cause issues, like poor air quality. Be on the lookout for signs of air pollution in the home, including unpleasant odors that indicate the existence of mold and dust. These issues may cause you to cough or experience chest congestion or allergy symptoms, like eye and skin irritation. If you or the kids are not feeling well or sleeping well, bring out an expert to test the air. If you don’t, the softest mattress may not be enough to help you sleep.

Make everyone comfortable for a peaceful sleep

The next big step is to make everyone comfortable so no one is tossing and turning during the night. Start by looking for the right mattress. Start by choosing a type and material. Many people like latex and memory materials that can help you and the kids nestle in. You’ll also want to choose a topper for added comfort. Pillowtop is a popular option.

While a particular mattress or topper may seem soft, you must also take into consideration how you and the kids sleep. Back sleepers want to have a moderately solid mattress because if it’s too soft, you could sink lower into the mattress as your body forms a U-shape that’s bad for your back. A similar case goes for stomach sleepers. A firm mattress is best to keep the body straight and avoid that painful U-shape. 

If your child is still young enough to sleep in a crib, bring it into the bedroom for at least the first few months. Also, during the first year, avoid thick covers or comforters that can lead to suffocation or overheating. 

When it comes to the sheets, find a material that suits your body type. If you tend to sleep on the warmer side, go for natural products like linen, silk, and cotton. Polyester sheets tend to trap heat, so you and the kids could wake up sweaty and sticky. As far as pillows, you want to find something soft but firm enough to support the curve of your neck so your spine is aligned and you don’t wake up in the middle of the night in pain.

Change the environment

The other major step to achieving peaceful family sleep is to create the perfect environment that helps everyone in the bedroom feel a sense of calm and serenity. First, consider adding the right amount of noise to the room. Sitting in complete silence can sometimes be off-putting, so consider a white noise machine or a fan next to the bed. This strategy works because these sound waves tend to mimic the brain waves generated during deep sleep, so it helps the process.

There are many aspects you can add to the bedroom to make it more relaxing for everyone in the family. If you’re setting up your bedroom, paint it in soothing and neutral colors. Consider powder blue or soft gray, which are calming colors that could help you and the kids relax as soon as you enter the room. 

Finally, aim to make the bedroom as clutter-free as possible. In addition to making the bedroom safer to walk through, it can create a more relaxing atmosphere. A messy room can make you feel anxious as you worry about the mess and how much work it will take to make it go away. Make everyone’s life easier by tidying up the room regularly.

Good sleep is essential for your family’s mental and physical health and general well-being. Take time to set up the room just right, and you’ll all get the gentle rest you deserve.


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