Parental involvement is just as important as the type of school or teacher your kid has for them to thrive. While schools are crucial in shaping a child’s academic journey, knowing they have your full support will help them soar. Here are practical strategies to help your kids reach their full potential, from creating a conducive learning environment at home to fostering positive study habits.

Find ways to get involved at school

Know your way around the school, meet their favorite teacher, and stay up to date with important events. Kids do better when their parents are involved. It’s easier for them to approach you about issues, and they’re more likely to develop a life-long passion for learning. 

You can also get involved in other ways, like being an assistant coach or a librarian’s assistant, joining the PTA, or serving as a chaperone for field trips and school dances. Be sure to ask your child what they’re comfortable with, whether a behind-the-scenes role or something more public, as some kids may feel embarrassed or shy having you around. 

Teach them to be organized

Get your child a homework diary, binder, calendar, and goal-setting journal. They can use the diary to write down all assignments and daily homework, then store everything by subject in the binder. Encourage them to write all important dates on their calendar, including non-school activities like birthday parties, bake sales, or sports, to help them learn time management. 

Have them write short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals in their journals. These goals range from keeping their room clean to improving their grade by 5%. As with any skill, organization needs practice, and the best time to teach your kids is during their school years. Make it easier for them with the right tools. 

Allow one mental health day 

A mental health day is a day off from school to rest and recharge and can significantly benefit children. It should only occur occasionally, with clear boundaries about when they can ask for one. Encourage them to spend the day doing relaxing activities like reading, walking, or watching their favorite movie. 

When your child asks to stay home, discuss the reasons why. Maybe they feel sad over a friendship breakup or overwhelmed and tired after test week. Allowing your kids to manage their mental health and take breaks can enhance their learning experience. Chronic stress can hinder learning while controlling it can help your child grasp concepts quicker and retain information more deeply. 

Occasional breaks are essential, but if your child wants to stay home repeatedly, sit them down to find out why. They could be avoiding challenging assignments, experiencing bullying or isolation, or dealing with conflict with a teacher. 

Assist with homework 

Create a comfortable, distraction-free workspace for your kids to complete their work, which means no phones, computers, or internet unless they do research. Help them set a schedule and routine they’re comfortable with. Create a to-do list for the homework session or make a snack while they work. Music can help kids who struggle with concentration focus better. Play classical music or nature sounds to enhance productivity and relax the nervous system. 

Check up on them regularly while they do their homework and throughout the school year to see if they’re coping with the workload. Let them know they can always ask for help, and you can look for extra resources if they struggle with concepts. 

Help them build study skills 

Teach them different study strategies to increase memory retention, like pop quizzes, easy question-and-answer games, and impromptu presentations. Incorporate activities that engage all their senses, such as vocal repetition, written summaries, verbal explanations, and graphic illustrations, to help them absorb the knowledge well. 

Your child’s academic success depends on careful planning, especially now when they manage many teachers’ assignments and tests. Help them coordinate exam dates and set aside enough time for each to avoid late-night cramming and panic. Help them break up lengthy study sessions into smaller blocks focused on particular topics. Encourage them to take notes in class and review them daily at home.

Encourage fun educational activities at home 

Education goes beyond what they learn at school. Find ways to nurture their passion or interest if you notice a particular interest in a subject. For example, if they’re particularly interested in math, make it fun with STEM-based activities like experimenting with magnetic slime, building balance scales, or playing with dice and dominoes. 

You can also encourage them to watch fun educational videos on YouTube or download apps that gamify concepts they’re currently learning. 

Make sure they get enough sleep 

Sleep may be the most important part of helping your child thrive at school. It can prevent myriad issues like behavioral problems, anxiety, and cognitive issues. Good sleep boosts learning and can be the difference between your child struggling and easily solving a math problem. 

Encourage your child to practice good sleep habits, such as switching off their cellphones or iPads at night, having a nighttime routine with a bath and a cup of milk, or reading a book. Keep a consistent bed and wake-up time so their bodies know when to rest. Implement a nighttime routine with the same steps, and participate as often as possible. 

Help your kids thrive at school

Providing a supportive learning environment, encouraging open communication, promoting good study habits, and keeping your child engaged in his or her education can significantly impact his or her school life. Every kid has unique needs and strengths, so it’s essential to tailor your approach based on what works best for your family. Dedication, patience, and a willingness to learn and grow can set them up for a lifetime of educational success.



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