I have had friends go through some life altering stuff recently, so friendship has been on my mind a lot.

The importance of good friends.
The comfort of knowing there are people forever in your corner.
The security in having someone never judge you, your kids, your decisions.
The joy of celebrating successes with people who unconditionally love you.

One of these people found me in college. In that awkward stage between child and adult, unsure of who I was and what my place in the world should be. And as I found myself, they found themselves. Both versions of us fit perfectly together, like a puzzle piece I had been forever missing.

One of these forever people found me in the throws of motherhood and never let the hard days get me down. We already had come into our own, but our souls knew each other deeply, like we were always on a collision course towards life-long friendship.

I’ve also been thinking about the people who only came into my life for a season. The people who I mourned deeply when it became clear they weren’t meant to stay in my life forever. The “friends” who only disappointed me in the end. The “friends” whose departure from my life hurt in the moment, but only left space for someone better to come along and fill the void.

I’d like to think that every friend I lost along the way made me appreciate and hold tighter to the true friends who have proven themselves time and time again.

friend, friends, friendshipfriend, friends, friendship

So I would like to take this moment to say thank you to the friends who are my forever people. The ones who I am certain will always be a part of my life. The friends who love me and my family like we are their own. The honorary aunts and uncles to my two sweet girls. The friends who celebrate life’s successes with me and who will walk along beside me through the hard stuff. The friends who have been through this stage of motherhood, but are willing to look back at me, hold out a hand, and help me navigate current happenings. The friends who literally picked me up off the floor after a devastating loss. The friends who will forever cheer me on and who I will always champion.

I love each of you.

Motherhood wouldn’t be the same without your love, comfort, and guidance.

I wouldn’t be the same without you.


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