I often get asked, “Do you ever have any free time?” And although the answer is typically “What is free time?!” I wouldn’t have it any other way. As the mom of a 9-year-old travel hockey player, our lives revolve around the rink, the road, and the camaraderie that comes with being part of a youth sports community.

Our journey into the world of youth sports began when I first laced up my son’s skates at the age of three. Little did we know that those first strides on the ice would evolve into a passion that defines our family nights and weekends. Fast forward a few years, and we’ve transitioned from recreational leagues to the fast-paced, competitive world of travel hockey. Our second season has taken us on a tour across the state, and while it may seem like we’re constantly on the move, we’ve come to cherish every moment of this unique season in our lives.

Sure, we might not have the luxury of what some would call “free time.” Our weekends are often a blur of early morning games and road trips that crisscross the state. We’ve become experts at packing snacks, mastering the art of the quick change in the car, and finding inventive ways to keep everyone entertained during those long drives. Our car has become a second home, filled with hockey gear, snacks, and the laughter and arguments that come with spending countless hours together.

While we might eat more meals on the road than at the dinner table, I’ve come to realize that these moments, though unconventional, are filled with a different kind of richness. The hours spent in the car aren’t just a means of transportation; they’re an opportunity for extra bonding time, impromptu sing-alongs, and the kind of conversations that only seem to happen when you’re trapped together in a confined space.

As a hockey mom, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of youth sports not only in my children but in myself. The early mornings and late nights at the rink have taught us the value of hard work, discipline, and the importance of being part of a team. Through wins and losses, we’ve learned resilience and the beauty of celebrating victories — big or small.

In the midst of these chaotic times, I can’t help but recognize that this season of youth sports won’t last forever. Before I know it, my son will be driving himself to practice and won’t need my help tying his skates. So, in these moments, I am not just a hockey mom — I am a keeper of memories, fully aware that this chapter in our lives is fleeting. And while I navigate the road trips and cheer from the bleachers, I am savoring every second of this incredible journey with the knowledge that these are the moments that will become the cherished stories we share in the years to come.

Youth sports, particularly travel hockey, have become more than just a weekend activity for our family. They’ve become a lifestyle — one that has taught us to savor the journey, embrace the challenges, and find joy in the shared pursuit of a common goal. So, the next time someone asks me about free time, I’ll proudly say, “Our free time is spent on the ice, in the car, and creating memories that will last a lifetime.” Because in the season of youth sports, every moment is a victory, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.


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