The Winter and Spring are peak seasons for school application submissions and decisions. The rollercoaster of emotions are the same if your child is applying to a competitive middle school, high school, or college program. As mothers, we want to give our children every opportunity to thrive.  We attend informational meetings, submit applications, help write essays, pay fees, and then wait. It can be an emotionally-exhausting process that I wish more moms talked about.

Despite debates on whether to homeschool or enroll in public or private schools, moms know education is essential and the application process is necessary to make a selection. Logically, we realize: there are limited available seats, teachers, and administrators at each school. Our child may be offered a seat, placed on a waitlist, or denied. 

So, why is waiting for a response so stressful? I feel like It’s a balance of trust and paralysis. I realize the school’s lottery is out of my control. I have to accept the outcome, hopefully without calling the front office secretary or checking the online portal every day (I know I’m not alone in this one).

As people, we have an innate desire to belong. A rejection can feel personal, but it is not. I intentionally remind myself that if my child’s name is on a waitlist or denied at our first choice of school, they can still succeed at another school. No person or place holds the power to determine the final outcome of someone’s entire life.

Mini Q & A with my teen daughter on the school application process

Question to my daughter: Why do you want to apply to a choice school rather than attend the one we are zoned for?

Answer from my daughter:  I want to be in classes with kids that really care about school. I think getting into a great education in middle and high school will help me get into college and have a better life.

Question to my daughter: How would you feel if you are not accepted? 

Answer: I would be disappointed, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I’ll be okay, Mom.

Question: What advice would you give to other students who are applying to new schools? 

Answer: I wish every kid could attend a great school, but they should try their best no matter what school they attend. 

school application

Advice for moms to prepare for the school application

The school admissions process is different at every stage, but here are a few words of advice to help you.

  1. Before applying to school, have a heart-to-heart talk with your child. Ask for their input. I believe children should be inherently motivated to excel in their academics. Parents partner with educators, but ultimately, children have to do the work of succeeding in school. 
  2. When a school is agreed upon, thoroughly understand the application process, create a checklist of required documents and submit everything by deadline.
  3. Build-up your child’s resiliency with realistic outcomes and positivity. Help them to realize no matter the outcome of the school’s admission process, they can be successful anywhere.
  4. Give yourself grace and praise for being a Mom who cares and supports their child(ren)! 

I’d love to hear about your family’s school application process, helpful advice, and how you navigated your emotions through it all. Remember you’re an amazing Mom and that’s enough to help your child overcome any challenges along the way. 



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