For a home to become livable and functional, it needs planned scheduled maintenance at least once a year. From the interior to exterior view, homeowners must be intentional about keeping their homes in good shape. Not only that but every equipment and system in the house must receive frequent servicing to run efficiently.

Aside from increasing the value of your home, a well-maintained home helps you to save money. This is because it prevents expensive renovation projects as every little defect is tackled early before it developed into a major issue. Now, with a few months to summer, here are what to include in your maintenance checklist.

Summer maintenance checklist

After a cold winter and warming spring, the sun is finally coming out in the summer. Being warm weather makes it a perfect season for some effective maintenance work. The good news about home maintenance is that most of the work can be incorporated into your DIY projects.

General home cleaning

A clean home is a healthy one. One of the most important things to keep on all maintenance checklists is general home cleaning. Clean every part of your home from bedrooms to the garage and get rid of the dust. Turn wild on all the hiding places for insects and get rid of them.  Most importantly, declutter your rooms by dumping or giving out all unwanted items taking up space in your home.

Air conditioner servicing

Summer comes with hot weather conditions and as such, you will need your air-conditioner on most of the time to create a comfortable environment. Serving your air conditioner regularly prolongs its lifespan and makes it efficient. It helps you to also avoid expensive repair costs. If you didn’t mind servicing it in the cold seasons, it is now time to do so. Clean your unit and do a test run to prepare it for the season. If you notice any problem, contact a trusted and reliable ac servicing company that provides comprehensive and affordable ac repair and servicing to have it fixed.

Inspect your roof

Although it is summer and more sunshine is expected, don’t forget it can also rain at anything. Summer storms can be very intense and destructive, so get your roof checked. It is critical to inspect the roof for damages caused during the winter months. If you notice any damages, call in a roofer to assess the situation and fix it. this will save you the headache of having your roof ripped off by a storm.

Clean your gutters

Your gutters may have been choked by debris during the cold winter and subsequent spring months. It is time to clear it for proper drainage. Don’t forget to do the same for the downspout for the smooth running of water during summer storms.

Check for leaks

Household leaks can have a devastating effect on your home. aside from making your house weak, it comes with several health issues. So, check your home for all forms of leaks be it plumbing or roof leaks. You can check for plumbing leaks from the kitchen to the washrooms. Check the faucets, pipe joints, and other fixtures for potential leaks and fix them as soon as possible. It may be time to change all old plumbing fixtures. For roof leaks, a roofer can detect and fix them during a general roof inspection.

Lawn maintenance

Your lawns need some special care and treatment during summer. Since the weather is mostly hot and dry, you will need to water your lawns frequently to prevent the grass from dying. Also, mow it regularly to keep it healthy.

Have your pool checked and treated

The summer months are the period you can enjoy your pool if you have one at home. You may want to cool off after a hot sunny day and the swimming is just perfect for that. So, have your pool cleaned and treated regularly for a safe swim. Don’t forget to also check for pool leaks.

Clean your outdoor furniture

In a hot summer, you will surely spend most of your hours at home outside with the family. Clean the outdoor furniture, replace or repair broken ones, freshen the old ones with a fresh coat of paint, and clean the patio or deck.

Seal your windows and doors

Since you will be using the air conditioner mostly, inspect the seals on your doors and windows to ensure they are in good condition. You wouldn’t want the escape of air when the air conditioner is on as it can increase your energy bill.

Outdoor Lighting

You will love to catch some fresh outside during the summer months. With this, your compound must be well-lit and safe. Check your outdoor lighting systems to make sure they are in perfect working condition. Replace bulbs and switches that are burned out to have the needed brightness you require.

Having seasonal home maintenance projects put your home in a good condition and makes it more comfortable. Such projects shouldn’t be expensive as you can do most of them by yourself. Just make it a priority and with the above checklist as a guide, you are good to go.


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