Founded in 1916, Feltman's has a long history of providing high quality, exquisitely styled, hand embroidered clothing for baby boys and girls. To be honest, until about 2 months ago I had never even heard of Feltman Brothers clothing.  When...
That was the most loaded question I’ve ever been asked. Circumstances? I had just “hopped” off the table from the first sonogram of my second pregnancy. I hadn’t been able to see the screen, and as I lay there...
Traveling with young children can be a hassle, especially when it comes to flying. Between our luggage, the stroller, our "travel bag" with snacks, lovies, wipes etc., and keeping track of the kids- we all know that lugging around...
Being a new mom can get expensive and I have realized that you don’t need half the stuff the baby stores get you to register for when you are pregnant. Some things I have laying around the house actually...

1 + 1 = Done?

So you're done? That's it right? When we found out we were having a boy, family as well as complete strangers basically put a "Closed" sign on my uterus. "Well there you go, you have one of each...The set is...

Breast is Best. Right?

So here’s the thing. Breastfeeding? It was kinda horrific for me. Eleven years ago, my daughter was born three weeks early. Not premature, but tiny and without the sucking reflex. However, I knew the value of breast milk. I determined...
What do you do, when you have two? How do you go shopping and keep your children restrained safely, without one of your children sitting in the back of the cart smashing the loaf of bread or touching the...

I Hated Being Pregnant

Let's face it, pregnancy is not all glowing skin, eating whatever you want and treasuring every moment you have being a baby incubator. Its tough, its tiring, it wrecks havoc on your body. It may be one of the...
Dear New Mama,  I want you to know you’re not alone, feel all the feelings, Mama. All your feelings are valid.  I remember when I became pregnant with my little one. We prayed, we planned, we prepared for this child. We...
As Central Florida moms, we have a little thing in our backyard called the Walt Disney World Resort. I mean, how lucky are we that we’re all neighbors to the most magical place on Earth, and can practically schedule...
Before I became a mom in September, I didn't know much about the world of motherhood or babies. I imagined it as a place where you didn't sleep for a few weeks (and then everything buffed out and the sleepless...
For new and soon-to-be parents, babyproofing brings to mind covering corners, installing child safety latches, anchoring furniture and placing covers over outlets. But there is one critical part of babyproofing that is often overlooked: fire safety. When it comes to...
Imagine the joy of having a sweet new baby. The smells and coos and endless cuddles. Only to have reality set in shortly after, you just can't afford diapers. The financial burden of having a baby is usually not...
I'm sure you've noticed the news reports over the past couple of years…..”baby (or child) left in hot car and dies”. This headline has become more and more of an everyday headline than ever before. The statistic is 37...
*brought to you by Donor Egg Bank USA You know you want a baby, and you know you want to experience pregnancy, complete with feeling those little baby kicks. But for one of many possible reasons, you have decided to...

30+ Local Ways to Entertain the Kids

Looking for fun ways to entertain the kids? With these 30+ ideas, your kids will never be bored!!! Check out these top 30+ things to...
Brian Mcgowan via unsplash photo of cinderella castle with blue sky and clouds behind and words 'Central Florida theme park guide' in text on top of picture

Orlando Theme Park Guide

