I'm that nerd-of-a-mama who was purchasing books for my baby before my sweet girl even arrived. Crazy, yes, but I have a very special relationship with books, and I couldn't wait to introduce her to that relationship. Books are...
I cannot begin to tell you how many times the words "pee pee" and "poopy" have come out of my mouth in the last two months. They are now common words in our vocabulary and here's how we got...
Have you ever wondered what we would do without photos? All of those birthdays, vacations, school activities and Christmas day moments would go undocumented. Luckily, not only do we have cameras available to us -- they're even built into our...
Since assuming the role of “mom,” I’ve discovered that parenthood is really just a series of life lessons delivered via a tiny vessel known as “child.” And this week, I learned a few more of those lessons: Kid–friendly craft projects...
In mid-December I was invited to check out a local MacroBaby store prior to the birth of my second baby. I had seen all the MacroBaby ads and billboards around town and had never been, so I was very...
Well, I’ve done it. I’ve survived my first pregnancy. I survived giving birth to my baby girl three weeks before she was due. I’ve survived my first year of parenthood. And I’ve survived being milked by a pump for...

Ticket System How To

I recently shared the concept describing Five Things I Did to Help My Kids, Help Me. Before I sat down and figured out I had all the help I needed right in my own home, I was being run...
What do you do, when you have two? How do you go shopping and keep your children restrained safely, without one of your children sitting in the back of the cart smashing the loaf of bread or touching the...

Special Delivery!

Happy New Year! We spent most of 2013 waiting for the arrival of our second baby, who arrived just before 8 a.m. on Dec. 23. What a journey it was! This labor was different in several ways from our first....
“I was the first person she saw when she came out.” This is how my husband, with a twinkle in his eye and a child-like grin, recounts the birth of our daughter. And, despite the fact that I endured 41...
As a doula, I have the awesome opportunity of attending A LOT of births. Each one is unique, and every couple who hired me has had their own reason for wanting a doula. Some want a 100 percent completely natural...
As of this Tuesday, we are exactly 3 weeks from our due date and 3 weeks and 1 day from Christmas! Talk about planning, emotions and holiday-time craziness! Our growing family decided months ago to do Christmas a little different...


Unconventional is the word I often use to describe my fertility and pregnancy journey. Having been told on more than one occasion that I would never conceive naturally, I was quite surprised when eight pregnancy tests proclaimed me pregnant...

Mom to Mom: You Need HELP

Being a new mom is hard work. Our little one is three months now and though I have come a long way, I would be lying if I said I had it all figured out. What I have figured...

Nine Weeks and Counting…

Our single week countdown officially began this week. Our sweet baby girl is due in nine weeks, an official due date of December 24 - that's right - Christmas Eve!  Can you think of a better Christmas present?! I...

30+ Local Ways to Entertain the Kids

Looking for fun ways to entertain the kids? With these 30+ ideas, your kids will never be bored!!! Check out these top 30+ things to...
Brian Mcgowan via unsplash photo of cinderella castle with blue sky and clouds behind and words 'Central Florida theme park guide' in text on top of picture

Orlando Theme Park Guide

