So, I got a little lenient on some things during quarantine. When the world started its journey of flipping upside down and we all collectively entered into the Twilight Zone, I started feeling overwhelmed like so many others. To...
Because of the COVID-19 cases rising, we know gathering together might not be best for all families. So we thought this non-Halloween pumpkin paint party would be perfect adapted into a VIRTUAL party! While we added in our suggestions...
  Originally posted October 2017. Updated October 2020. Where to start? Where does one start when they begin to share about one of the toughest days of your life? Miscarriage. It was four years ago last month. We weren't even married for...
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Kids wear a lot of things to stay safe when they’re out in public. We wouldn’t dream of letting our kids leave the house without shoes to protect their feet, sunscreen to protect their skin in the summer or...
Mama, are early mornings or night wakings killin’ ya?! Let's take a show of hands. How many of you have heard the saying, "Keep your baby up, and he will sleep later.”? The later we keep them up, the...
original post: Oct, 2015. Updated Oct, 2021. Once upon a time there was a little heart beat. I never saw it or felt it move, but I knew it was there. Many weeks later, that little heart stopped beating. I wanted...

My First Mammogram

When it comes to scheduling MY doctor appointments, I am the world's BIGGEST procrastinator! I'll schedule my kids' doctor appointments, my husband's doctor appointments... even the dog's doctor appointment before I schedule my own appointment! Now if you are nearing...
Having your first baby is always nerve-racking. There are so many worries and fears and the uncertainty of it all can be downright paralyzing. When I found out I was pregnant in January 2020, little did I know that...
Having a child is a unique blessing.  If you’re lucky enough to have your own children, then you understand.  It’s a singular joy.  So if you’ve decided to be a surrogate mother for a childless couple, you have my...
There's always adventure awaiting with a corn maze or farm in Florida! Our Guide to Farms and Mazes in Central Florida should keep your weekends packed! Are we missing your favorite farm? Let us know in the comments below! Please...
A couple of years ago, my son told me that he loved me more than all the blades of grass in the world. I was initially struck at the odd unit of measure, but I had to concede that,...
You’ve heard of the summer slump right?! Well, 2020 has given us a new math equation.  Covid + summer slump = disaster. At least for me and for many moms around me. Here’s the deal, I haven’t done Algebra...
Get paid for a virtual research study We have a wonderful opportunity for you to participate in a virtual research study! Collab Research is looking to talk to Soon-to-be-Parents OR Parents of Infants/Toddlers regarding nutritional information. We know your time is valuable, but we...
It’s almost like the floor is a magnet for my kids’ freshly laundered face masks. Somehow, they always ended up there. Since the beginning of the pandemic, remembering or otherwise policing my kids’ face masks has become like a...

30+ Local Ways to Entertain the Kids

Looking for fun ways to entertain the kids? With these 30+ ideas, your kids will never be bored!!! Check out these top 30+ things to...
Brian Mcgowan via unsplash photo of cinderella castle with blue sky and clouds behind and words 'Central Florida theme park guide' in text on top of picture

Orlando Theme Park Guide

