Hey! New Year, New You? Maybe not. But you can still add some things to your routine that will make you feel productive and exciting without really doing a whole lot. Things like... 1. Start walking with the kids after school. 2....
If you live in Florida then you know that between the heat, visitors, and crying children, theme park adventures can easily go awry. If you are a regular theme park goer, or plan to visit multiple times throughout the...
They say people go through seasons in life. To me, there are three distinct seasons: the really good, the really bad and the somewhere in between. Last year teetered in between 'the really bad' and 'the somewhere in between'.  I...
It's the final countdown to Christmas! The tree is up, the presents are (mostly!) bought... and my to-do list is getting shorter and shorter!! All that’s left? Just a little bit of last minute holiday shopping! I need to shop...
If you opened this post, there’s a good chance you’re in the same boat we find ourselves in year after year. There are gift guides galore for the fellow women in our lives, but when it comes to the...
Telling Your Kids the Truth About Santa...while keeping the magic of Christmas Alive When it's time, you just know. We had the Santa talk with our son last night. You know how they say "you just know" when it's love? Well, it's...
  Two years ago we eked through our last year believing in Santa. Our girls were in 5th grade and had turned 11 that November, and while they doubted Santa’s existence, they weren’t sure. I overheard them talking to each other Christmas week, “Let’s...
Not sure what to get your newborn for Christmas, or need ideas for family members who want to include your little one this year? Here are 8 baby gift ideas that you (and your little one) can appreciate. This is...
Have trouble saving money? You’re not alone. 58% of Americans have less than $1,000 set aside for savings, according to a recent report by Statista. And that’s just not enough to cope with life’s major expenses – such as...
Moms from Central Florida gathered at Let's Meet At The Table and experienced Flannel & Favorite Things - Florida Fall Done Right with a perfectly cozy & intimate Mom’s Night Out! The room was breathtaking with the aesthetically pleasing lighting...

A Very Immigrant Holiday

Thanksgiving- the quintessential American holiday... gluttonous as it may be, is really a celebration of immigrants. Unless you are Native American, in which case you might have a different sentiment. I was raised in a multi cultural environment and although...
Have you ever thought about what goes into the development of a new product or the improvements made on an existing product? A whole lot of research and trial and error, that’s what! Companies and market researchers count on...

The Grove Orlando

The Orlando Mom Collective team stopped by The Grove Orlando to visit some of their luxury shops, and our only complaint? We wish we could have stayed all day! All In One Decorating Solutions As you may already know, Candace loves everything interior...
Guys. . . it's almost Thanksgiving! I know this holiday can easily be overshadowed by its glitzy bookends Halloween and Christmas, but I truly love the spirit and traditions of gathering around a table for a huge festive meal. And...
Every fall, thousands of H&R Block employees and franchisees attend their annual convention, and it so happened that this year they came to Orlando! In addition to sessions and seminars to educate themselves about the upcoming tax season, they...

30+ Local Ways to Entertain the Kids

Looking for fun ways to entertain the kids? With these 30+ ideas, your kids will never be bored!!! Check out these top 30+ things to...
Brian Mcgowan via unsplash photo of cinderella castle with blue sky and clouds behind and words 'Central Florida theme park guide' in text on top of picture

Orlando Theme Park Guide

